All Research Sponsored By:Venafi

eBook - It’s Happening! The Countdown to 90-day Maximum TLS Validity
EBOOK: As the web moves toward 90-day TLS certificate validity, many organizations are automating certificate management. In this in-depth e-book, a former security leader at Microsoft and Google provides expert guidance about the shift. Read on to access 10 pages of insights.
Posted: 02 Jul 2024 | Published: 03 Jul 2024

Accelerate your transition to 90-day TLS certificate Webinar
WEBCAST: It is no longer a question of whether public certificates will have a shorter maximum validity period, but of when. In this webcast, Venafi’s Benson George interviews former Core Security Foundation Head of Product, Ryan Hurst, in order to leverage his experience for the transition to 90-day TLS certificates. Watch now to learn more.
Posted: 26 Jun 2024 | Premiered: Jun 26, 2024


Brace Yourself for 90-day TLS Certificates
INFOGRAPHIC: It is no longer a question of whether public certificates will have a shorter maximum validity period, but of when. Download this infographic to find out how to prepare for the shift to shorter TLS certificate validity periods and unlock 3 key reasons why the industry moving to 90-day TLS certificates.
Posted: 25 Jun 2024 | Published: 25 Jun 2024


PKI: Are You Doing It Wrong?
WHITE PAPER: A foundation of trust in modern businesses, this white paper argues, is a well-maintained public key infrastructure (PKI). Unfortunately, many organizations are making mistakes that compromise their PKI management. To learn about those mistakes – and how to sidestep them – download the paper.
Posted: 16 Mar 2024 | Published: 16 Mar 2024


Leading Swiss IT Service Provider, Bedag, Reduces Certificate Fulfillment Time from Days to Minutes
CASE STUDY: In the face of surprise outages due to certificates that were not renewed, Bedag, a Swiss IT service provider, decided it was time to shift from manual to automated certificate renewal. So, how did the provider approach that goal? Find out in this case study.
Posted: 26 Oct 2023 | Published: 26 Oct 2023


Financial Services Face Escalating Outages
INFOGRAPHIC: 62% of 1,000 CIOs reported that their organization experienced security incidents involving compromised machine identities, according to a study sponsored by Venafi. And as machine identities continue to proliferate, especially in the financial industry, how can organizations bolster security? Unlock insights in this infographic.
Posted: 26 Oct 2023 | Published: 26 Oct 2023


Why address shorter certificate lifespans with automation?
WEBCAST: As certificate lifespans shrink, how should today’s organizations manage the change? In this webcast, two experts from Venafi consider the shift and how to address it with automation. Watch now to unlock the illuminating conversation.
Posted: 25 Oct 2023 | Premiered: Oct 25, 2023


Legacy PKI Migration
WHITE PAPER: 52% of the 2500 participants surveyed by the Ponemon Institute reported that their organizations have poor visibility of apps that rely on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Along with exploring that obstacle, this white paper considers other challenges that legacy PKI can pose. To unlock those insights and more, read on.
Posted: 25 Oct 2023 | Published: 25 Oct 2023