CW Benelux November 2017

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A project in Rotterdam is helping young people get into the IT sector by targeting those overlooked by traditional methods. The Cyberwerkplaats – Cyber Workplace when roughly translated from the Dutch – takes wayward youngsters that have a flair for IT and helps them become the IT professionals of the future.

Read here about the project and its two major benefits. On the one hand, it gives Netherlands-based organisations access to much-needed IT talent, while on the other it takes talented young people into the IT industry and reduces the potential of them becoming the hackers of the future.

Also in this issue, find out how Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport is creating a multi-cloud platform with an open API through open source software.

The airport, which processes 64 million passengers, 48 million pieces of luggage and 1.7 million tonnes of freight a year on the latest count, is Europe’s third largest. To retain this position amid fierce competition, the airport is aiming for better service and greater efficiency through digital transformation.

Schiphol’s use of APIs is an example of the ongoing transformation. Its Flight API unlocks the publicly available information about airlines, planes, arrivals, delays, diversions, baggage unloading, boarding, departures and makes it available to interested parties.

Then, from an airport using technology to reduce disruption to people’s journeys, we move to a Netherlands-based company that aims to disrupt an entire sector. Read an interview with the CTO of online retailer Picnic about how the company has managed to take a large slice of the Dutch supermarket sector.

Feb 8, 2021
Nov 9, 2017
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