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As the relatively new universe of big data rapidly expands, businesses are deploying innovative analytical techniques to explore the wealth of complex information from social media, web blogs, video, call centre notes, audio files and the internet of things.

The survey from Teradata shows unequivocally the UK is lagging behind France and Germany in its response to the challenges of handling and analysing big data.

This is evidenced by differences in the breadth of new data types and new techniques being used for analytics, and in aspirations to go beyond merely making existing processes more efficient towards the identification of ground-breaking new initiatives. Although companies based in Germany and France are shown to be more heavily engaged in data analysis than those in the UK, only 7% of French and German executives feel their current activities are marketing leading’ or ‘truly innovative’. By contrast, 24% of UK executives believe they are this advanced.

Feb 8, 2021
Oct 10, 2014
Research Content

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