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App Sec Tools Need a Software Supply Chain Security Upgrade.

Learn why traditional application security testing tools alone leave your organization exposed to supply chain attacks — and how software supply chain security tools represent an evolution of traditional application security tools, ensuring end-to-end software security.

Download this report to learn more about:

  • Why application security continues to evolve in response to new software risks
  • What software supply chain security gaps exist in traditional app sec tools
  • How to compare SAST, DAST and SCA vs. Software Supply Chain Security features
  • What market-leading software supply chain security solutions deliver

These are also closely related to: "Understanding Your Open Source Risk"

  • Open-source security: Practical tips and best practices

    Open-source software (OSS) has reshaped data science and machine learning, but also brings on new security challenges.

    This guide covers best practices for managing open-source packages, dependencies, and vulnerabilities to secure your Python and R software supply chain. Inside, you’ll find out why the best method merges automation with manual oversight.

    Read on now to learn how you can secure your software supply chain and enable safe OSS innovation for your data science teams.

  • 3 ways to safeguard your software supply chain

    The massive cyberattack on SolarWinds in 2020 was a wake-up call for organizations years to come to prioritize application security for all parts of their software supply chain.

    This e-book outlines 3 ways that Contrast aims to help you safeguard your software supply chain from potential cyberattacks by:

    • Keeping pace with proliferating third-party components
    • Alleviating observability gaps in the software supply chain
    • And enabling quick response to zero-day threats

    Download now to learn how you keep up with the complexities in the software supply chain and prevent yourself from falling victim to these dangerous attacks.

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  • Protect your apps from zero-day exploits and vulnerabilities

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  • Top developer security tools to consider

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  • TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG): SBOM security

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  • How & Why NIST is Driving SBOM Evolution

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  • Enterprise Strategy Group: How to secure your development practices

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  • How to navigate turbulent times in business

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  • Securing software resellers & small businesses

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  • Security leader’s guide to supply chain security

    Over the last 3 years, supply chain attacks rose 1300%. This report is designed to give readers a map with which they can navigate the landscape of software supply chain security, exploring some of the high-level trends in software supply chain threats and how recent attacks provide insight into what’s to come. Read on to learn more.


  • Modern Apps CodeWhisperer eBook

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  • The DORA act explained

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  • A guide to continuous software delivery

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  • Cyber threats on the rise despite economic slowdown

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  • Assessing the state of data science

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  • Software bill of materials (SBOMs) — a critical component of software supply chain security

    In November 2022, open-source toolkit developers announced two high-severity vulnerabilities that affect all versions of OpenSSL 3.0.0 up to 3.0.6. How should organizations prepare? One of the most effective tools for finding and addressing


  • The Monsters in Your Software Supply Chain

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  • Jargon Buster Guide to Container Security

    The definitions and articles in this Jargon Buster will help you understand the business benefits of using containers as well as the potential security pitfalls and most importantly, how to avoid them using the correct tools and approaches.


  • Australia's cybersecurity game plan

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  • Top trends shaping APAC's tech landscape in 2024

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  • 3 key concepts of a prevention-first security strategy

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  • Guide to developing Kubernetes security

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  • Computer Weekly - 3 December 2019: Meet the most influential people in UK technology

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  • Harness WAF & RASP for complete security protection

    Explore how combining Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) can provide comprehensive security against known and unknown vulnerabilities. Learn how RASP's runtime monitoring offers deeper protection than WAFs alone. Read the full e-book to learn more.


  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to continuous integration and continuous deployment

    Continuous integration and continuous deployment offer a variety of advantages for software developers. In this 13-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at what changes are in its pipeline, assesses the cultural changes it brings and how it can deliver results at speed.


  • When security forces collide: Managing speed and vulnerability balance

    Discover in this e-book what happens when speed and security forces collide, and find out what it means for organizations looking to update their security strategies.


  • Protecting the IT attack surface while advancing digital transformation

    To survive and to thrive, organizations must continue innovating, launching new products and services, and optimizing old ones. As a result, every organization’s attack surface will continue to change and, likely, grow. Learn how business leaders can keep up with these changes in this latest technical deep dive from Tanium experts.


  • The Issue With Open-Source Code Utilization

    Due to ongoing geopolitical events, some individuals have begun to “poison” major open-source projects to try to cause damage. Access this blog article to learn complications with open-source code utilization.


  • Application security: best practices and risks

    Security professionals need to anticipate vulnerabilities from all the right perspectives, and that means testing apps for flaws on a regular basis, whether that means monthly, quarterly or following updates. Check out this e-guide, which include application security best practices, threat identification and security testing tips.


  • CW APAC - November 2019: Expert advice on container security

    For all the promises of containers, changes in architectureand practices associated with the technology bring newchallenges and opportunities. In this handbook, Computer Weekly looks at the security challenges associated with container technology. Read the issue now.


  • The benefits of runtime application self-protection

    Traditional application security solutions lack visibility into runtime vulnerabilities, leading to ineffective threat detection and high false positives. Contrast Protect runtime application self-protection (RASP) provides accurate, embedded protection that reduces operational burden on security teams. Read the solution brief to learn more.
