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6 key criteria for developer-first secrets scanning solutions

Hardcoding secrets enables developers to seamlessly access or authenticate the services needed to build and deploy applications. But those secrets, if not stored securely, present a huge risk.

This checklist presents 6 key criteria that you should use when evaluating a potential secrets-scanning solution, including:

  • Scans both application code and infrastructure as code files
  • Developer-Friendly Integrations
  • A Multidimensional Approach to Secrets Scanning
  • And 3 more

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These are also closely related to: "Broken Access Controls"

  • BadUSB 2.0: Exploring USB man-in-the-middle attacks

    The uses and capabilities of rogue USB hardware implants for use in cyber espionage activities is still very much an unknown quantity. Security professionals would benefit from tools capable of exploring the threat landscape while increasing awareness and countermeasures.

    BadUSB 2.0 or BadUSB2 is an investigative tool capable of compromising USB fixed-line communications through an active man-in-the-middle attack. It is able to achieve the same results as hardware keyloggers, keyboard emulation devices and earlier BadUSB hardware implants, thus providing an insight into how these attacks may be prevented.

    Furthermore, BadUSB2 is able to evaluate new techniques to defeat keyboard-based one-time-password systems, automatically replay user credentials, as well as acquire an interactive command shell over USB. 

  • Toughening up web and mobile application security

    In the last years, organisations with highly integrated web applications and mobile apps have been able to ride the economic upheaval caused by the pandemic better than those with a less sophisticated online
    While web applications enabled many organisations to remain operational during the pandemic, they also reinforced the need for strong app security in order to avoid cyber threats and malicious actors
    who wish to penetrate corporate networks.
    The reality is that web applications present too easy a vulnerability point because of what different teams do - and don’t do. In this e-guide, read more about the best practices for web application security, how to balance app innovation with app security, why API security needs to be part of your defence strategy, and what are the top tools to keep your applications safe.

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