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State of software security: What 2017 taught us

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DevSecOps delivers better business

Firms need to consider the move from DevOps to DevSecOps. This e-guide focuses on the benefits of DevSecOps, paints a picture of the rise of this approach, and explains why using the right DevSecOps tools leads to more secure development. DevSecOps delivers better business, and it’s time for you to find out how and why.

These are also closely related to: "State of software security: What 2017 taught us"

  • Application security: best practices and risks

    Understanding the source of potential threats to applications is step one. Security professionals need to anticipate vulnerabilities from all the right perspectives, and that means testing apps for flaws on a regular basis, whether that means monthly, quarterly or following updates. Check out this e-guide, which include application security best practices, threat identification and security testing tips.

  • Application security: More important than ever

    The security of business applications is often overlooked, despite the fact that exploitation of
    vulnerabilities in software is one of the key attack methods of cyber criminals and that
    application breaches account for the majority of reported security incidents. But as traditional
    software and cloud-based, web and mobile applications play an increasingly important role in
    business and with applications associated with devices making of the internet of things set to
    explode, application security has never been more important than it is now.

    While much of the responsibility lies with application developers to avoid common, exploitable
    coding practices and design secure code in the absence of any legislation in this area, there
    is much that businesses can and should do to mitigate the application security risk, including
    security testing all applications used by the business, reviewing source code, and layering a
    broad range of security controls to enhance visibility, alerting and real-time blocking.

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