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7 risk mitigation strategies to protect business operations

Without risks to manage and threats to mitigate, life in business would be a lot easier. Internal risks, external risks and threats can disrupt or destroy the four critical elements that most enterprises need to operate: people, processes, technology and facilities. Each of the four elements can have vulnerabilities.

As part of an enterprise risk management program, risk mitigation strategies must not only identify risks and threats, such as organizational risks, but also stress the importance of identifying vulnerabilities that could open the door to risk events. In this infographic, we put together the seven most widely used risk mitigation strategies to help business keep their data safe.

These are also closely related to: "Reduce Insider Threats Risk Through End User Empowerment"

  • Understand the difference between risk ratings and quantification

    This paper distinguishes between cybersecurity risk ratings and risk quantification. Ratings offer a score based on security indicators but don't measure the likelihood and financial impact of cyber events. Risk quantification, however, provides a detailed financial assessment of cyber risks, aiding strategic decisions.

    The text notes the limitations of risk ratings as part of a broader cyber risk management strategy. It emphasizes that risk quantification translates cyber threats into financial terms, aligning with business goals.

    For insights on using risk quantification to enhance third-party risk management, consult the full paper.

  • Infographic: Top 12 risk management skills

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    Being a capable risk manager requires awareness and knowledge to uncover potential risks and present them to people best suited to solve the problem. A risk manager doesn't necessarily have to make the fix -- they just need to bring it to the person who can. 

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