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The Cloud – Is it More Secure than My Organization?

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CASB, CSPM, CWPP Emerge as Future of Cloud Security

Unfortunately there is still no one strategic silver bullet to achieve cloud security. But Gartner researchers emphasized three tools were essential to the future of securing cloud environments. 

Take the survey, download this eguide, and read about why cloud access security brokers, cloud security posture management, and cloud workload protection platforms are paving the way to secure cloud services. 

These are also closely related to: "The Cloud – Is it More Secure than My Organization?"

  • Your pocket e-guide to cloud security

    As today’s organizations come to rely on cloud applications, capabilities and environments in order to conduct their business, cloud security has become a necessary part of larger efforts to secure the organization.

    Access The Complete Pocket E-Guide to Cloud Security to explore:

    • Top 3 cloud security challenges
    • How to embed security into your cloud’s DNA
    • How to develop a cloud security strategy
    • And more

  • Cloud Security 101: Best Practices & Self-Assessment

    As organizations big and small ramp up their use of cloud services and resources, cyberattackers are taking notice. With your business in the crosshairs, the need for effective, reliable cloud security has never been greater.

    Take a minute to answer a few questions on your cloud security pain points and receive immediate access to our new eBook, Cloud Security 101: Best Practices & Self-Assessment. Highlights inside include:

    • Single cloud vs. multi-cloud security challenges, compared
    • 5 tools that enhance your cloud threat protection
    • Cloud security quizzes: Put your knowledge to the test

    Unlock all this and more by taking our quick Cloud Security survey now!

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  • Manage Cloud Security Posture: Enhance your multi-cloud safety

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  • Prowler: Open-Source Tool to Secure Your Cloud Environment

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  • 2024 Cloud Security Report

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  • See What Cloud NGFW for AWS Can Do for You

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  • 2024 report: Cloud networking & security findings

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  • Enterprise Strategy Group: Google Cloud and Palo Alto Networks

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  • Secure and monitor 10,000 clouds with scalable security visibility

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  • Brivo’s approach to cloud security

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  • The connectivity cloud — A way to take back IT and security control

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  • Cloud leader’s guide to cloud testing

    In the eyes of many, cloud computing is now the backbone of modern business. Cloud testing can play a key role in safeguarding the cloud ecosystem. Read this blog article to learn more about cloud testing and why it matters.


  • Rumble cloud’s vision of cloud networking

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  • The only constant in cloud security is change

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  • Key Factors Determining the Right Hybrid-Cloud Network Security for Your Application Journey

    Dive into this e-book for the 3 key factors to consider when selecting the right network security solution for your application journey.


  • Known cyber threats are dangerous: Unknown ones are worse

    In today’s security landscape, hackers are routinely switching up strategies in order to access your systems and data. This means that being reactive is no longer going to get it done. To stay protected from threats, both known and unknown, you need a real-time threat detection system powered by AI and advanced analytics. Read on to learn more.


  • Navigating IT and Security Complexity with a Connectivity Cloud

    Businesses are struggling to manage the growing complexity of IT and security responsibilities. A connectivity cloud solution could help regain control by providing secure, performant connectivity across on-premises, cloud, and web environments. Read the full Forrester Research report to learn more.


  • Secure your AWS cloud with AWS-native security services

    Secure your AWS cloud infrastructure with Sumo Logic's Cloud Infrastructure Security for AWS. Get full-stack security visibility, combat complexity, and maximize efficiency with customizable alerts and remediation workflows. Read the product overview to learn more.
