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Watson Can Power Your Application. What Will You Do With It?

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These are also closely related to: "Build an Android app using the MobileData cloud service"

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    Uncover helpful advice for selecting middleware tools and managing OS and middleware platforms in the cloud. Plus, learn about the critical relationship between ALM, DevOps, and orchestration. 

  • Upgrade or rework: Pathway to application modernisation

    If there is one certainty in IT, it is that at some point, every shiny new application will become legacy. The tech sector is driven by a fast cadence of innovation, which means that last year’s “must have” phenomenon quickly becomes stale and out-of-date. In this e-guide, we explore the different approaches to modernising outdated IT systems.

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  • Mobile application platforms: Essential guide

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  • A snippet of Enterprise Strategy Group GenAI data for you

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  • How to take an Agile approach to mobile app development

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  • Computer Weekly buyer's guide to mobile app development

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  • A guide to platform agnostic application delivery

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  • Jargon Buster Guide to Container Security

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  • 5 reasons you should migrate to the cloud

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  • Innovation Awards APAC 2023 - Financial Services: DBS Bank

    In this e-guide, read more about DBS Technology Marketplace and how it delivers anything-as-a-service (XaaS) capabilities that enable the bank's applications teams to adapt cloud-native applications quickly and efficiently.


  • Essential Guide: Application Performance Management

    This guide to managing application performance covers transaction speeds, networking, workflow and tools for performance detection and diagnosis.


  • Application security: More important than ever

    In this e-guide we look at why application security is more important than ever due to traditional software and cloud-based, web and mobile applications playing an increasingly important role in business.


  • Computer Weekly – 28 November 2023: Datacentres or green belt? Why the UK has to choose

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we examine the minefield around datacentre planning permission across the UK, after government blocked a major development next to the M25. The metaverse is making inroads into the industrial world – is this the real future for the technology? And we analyse the trends changing the app market. Read the issue now.
