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Navigating Security in a Mobile World

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How complacency kills mobile security

Are you dangerously complacent about mobile threats?

A recent report reveals enterprises fall short when it comes to protecting corporate data on mobile apps and devices. Only 8% of organizations enforce operating system updates and 5% use app reputation or mobile threat detection software.

In this expert guide, learn how this lackadaisical attitude can prove to be catastrophic to enterprises as mobile threats continue to exploit known vulnerabilities to gut profits.

These are also closely related to: "Navigating Security in a Mobile World"

  • How to balance mobility and security

    When it comes to mobile security, companies typically apply only one layer of defense and will often forget to set automatic updates, leaving their corporate data vulnerable to attack, increasing the chance of data loss or leakage.

    All companies should have basic security coverage that protects their mobile data through backups and encryption practices.

    Take a short survey to download this guide and learn how to properly protect your mobile data by putting the right security in place. Topics include:

    • 3 steps to better mobile data protection
    • 3 mobile security threats IT should know about
    • Mobile data loss: Threats and countermeasures
    • And more

  • E-book: Mobile security strategies

    As organizations capitalize on the flexibility of a mobile-first workplace, they also encounter 4 key risks, including data breaches through lost or hacked devices and compliance issues.

    Along with outlining the other risks, this 15-page e-book delves into the benefits and drawbacks of 5 mobile security approaches:

    • Mobile device management (MDM)
    • Mobile application management (MAM)
    • And 3 more

    To access the complete security insights, review the book.

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  • CW ASEAN, November 2018: Blockchain is no 'magic wand' for security

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  • MicroScope – February 2022: Spotting the hidden security dangers

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  • SMBs Still Struggle to Quell Mobile Threats

    Most SMBs feel they have a good handle on securing mobile devices and data, and many deploy mobile-specific security products. Yet there are still a wide range of mobile-based attacks on employees’ devices, apps, data, and network connections. Discover where SMBs are missing the target on mobile security spend in this infographic.


  • Why it's time to mothball traditional ITSM approaches

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  • Application security: More important than ever

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  • CIO Trends #6: Nordics

    In this e-guide, read how the High North and Baltic Sea collaboration is about to undergo a serious and redefining makeover to counter possible threats posed by a military-resurgent Russia. Read how pooling technologies and competencies was a focal point during summit meetings between Nordic and Baltic government leaders and defence leaders.
