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CW Benelux ezine August 2016

The Dutch are renowned for being creative with technology and the country has a deep history in art, boasting some of the most celebrated painters for example. It is therefore apt that the combined tech brains of ING, Microsoft the Technical University of Delft and other contributors created The Next Rembrandt, which is a visual showcase for big data.

The new portrait in the style of Rembrandt van Rijn was put together by a combination of big data technology and 3D printing. All of Rembrandt’s 346 paintings were analysed with data analytics making possible to create a seemingly genuine Rembrandt image, while a 3D printer made accurate emulation of his paint patterns a reality.

Also in the Netherlands we feature a case study about how The Hague is solving a bike parking headache with a mobile app.

These are also closely related to: "HTML5: Painting with Canvas"

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