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Capturing Value from Patient-Centered Care

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Back to the Basics, Other Payment Integrity Strategies Post-PHE

Fraud in healthcare isn’t as black and white as in other industries, so providers need a comprehensive payment integrity strategy after the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The back-to-the-basics approach is fitting after the expiration of the PHE, especially considering hospitals and physicians have both seemed to develop workflows and manage capacity better than they did early on during the pandemic. 

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    In this expert e-guide, learn why the first step to secure communications technology (like texting) is convincing leaders and clinicians to recognize the risks to health data. 

  • Recognizing the Effects of the Healthcare Cyberattack on Providers

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    For providers, that has meant delays in processing claims for payment, which represents a key revenue source for hospitals and independent practices alike. Patients have also felt the effects of this attack, as cost estimation services remain unavailable and some patients are unable to get their prescriptions or have to self-pay for medication

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