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Staying on top of your mobile device fleet 24/7

Mobile devices are now an essential and integral part of the modern workplace enabling employees, contractors, and third-party vendors to access a wide variety of business-critical applications and data.

But the use of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices has made it harder to track, manage, monitor, and maintain these devices, increasing their risk of getting lost or stolen.

Learn how a 360° mobile device management (MDM) helps you stay on top of your mobile device fleet 24/7.

These are also closely related to: "Transform with Mobile Apps"

  • How to mitigate 3 corporate challenges with BYOD

    Many organizations are still weighing the options between Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) and corporate-owned programs. Why?

    The last 12 months have seen more companies rolling back their BYOD programs because of the problems associated with compatibility, application management, and security risks. The challenges of BYOD are many—so is it worth it?

    Compare your options in this paper, which discusses:

    • 3 corporate challenges with BYOD
    • The reality of corporate BYOD
    • And recommendations for secure mobile device management.

  • 4 key guidelines to crafting the most effective mobile strategy

    With so many recent advances surrounding mobility, organizational and IT management continue to struggle with fundamental issues, from security to cost control – when crafting a mobile strategy.

    Download this exclusive guide to discover  4 guidelines that will help your organization craft the most effective mobile strategy, such as: 

    • Aligning with organizational missions
    • Considering costs
    • Implementing the appropriate policies
    • And staying flexible

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  • Big Data and Analytics Applied to Oil and Gas

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  • Mobile application platforms: Essential guide

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  • Next-generation DAST: Introducing interactive application security testing (IAST)

    While dynamic application security testing (DAST) has been a go-to AppSec testing technique for decades, it is not without its drawbacks. This is where interactive application security testing (IAST) comes into play, building off of DAST, but analyzing apps from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. Read this white paper to learn more.


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  • UCaaS vs. CCaaS vs. CPaaS: What's the difference?

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  • Desktop Virtualisation: The Essential Guide

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  • Busting common healthcare technology management myths

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  • Digital signage for Construction & Commercial Real Estate

    The majority of deskless construction and commercial real estate workers are digitally detached, with up to 4 out of 5 lacking access to company email, intranet, and personal devices on-shift. It’s time to think outside the inbox and beyond the notice board. Access this e-book to learn more.


  • Focus ASEAN: Enterprise Mobility

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  • Bluetooth Low Energy: The IoT battle

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  • MTL Security Checklist for 2019

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  • Microsoft Teams: Adding phone system services and telecom services

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  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in data analytics and business applications

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  • Tutorial: Predictive Modeling with Snowpark

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  • Key software development trends to drive business success

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  • Design Updates for Safer, More Secure Medical Devices

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  • Access Management Buyer's Guide

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  • 4 practical use cases for integrating Industrial DataOps

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  • How today’s tech landscape is transforming & what to know

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  • Securing the perimeter-less network with increased visibility

    With the death of the network perimeter, cybercriminals have proven that every asset is a potential entry point for an attack. FortiGate Next-Generation Firewalls


  • Toughening up web and mobile application security

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  • How to take an Agile approach to mobile app development

    This Computer Weekly buyer's guide looks at how to take an Agile approach to mobile app development. Discover how to gain a competitive edge by accelerating mobile development, turning mobile users' expectations to your advantage, and building unique, differentiated mobile experiences.


  • CW APAC: Expert advice on zero-trust security

    Zero trust is a security model that eliminates the traditional perimeter and assumes that no user or device can be trusted until proven otherwise. In this handbook, Computer Weekly looks at how enterprises can take a zero-trust approach to securing their network, devices and workforce.


  • Securing Remote Access

    As the network perimeter is now everywhere and anywhere users are, security must move with it and needs to be in place at the point of access. Download this e-book to learn how you can secure remote access and build user trust.


  • Essential Guide: Application Performance Management

    This guide to managing application performance covers transaction speeds, networking, workflow and tools for performance detection and diagnosis.


  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to application modernisation

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  • Explore how Wi-Fi 6 boosts connectivity on your campus

    Wi-Fi 6 and beyond enable higher education institutions to provide reliable, high-speed connectivity for students, faculty, and IoT devices. Learn how this technology can enhance learning experiences, improve operational efficiencies, and upgrade security on your campus. Read the full white paper to discover the benefits.


  • Smarter, connected meeting spaces

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  • E-book: Mobile security strategies

    As organizations capitalize on the flexibility of a mobile-first workplace, they also encounter 4 key risks, including data breaches through lost or hacked devices. To discover the other risks, and to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of 5 mobile security approaches, review this e-book.


  • Focus: Enterprise Mobility Management

    In this e-guide, we will explore exactly enterprise mobility management, looking in-depth at some of the key trends and developments in the world of enterprise mobility, as well as keeping a watchful eye on cybersecurity.


  • Application Performance Management: Improving service availability

    If it can't be measured, it can't be managed. Telemetry on applications and IT infrastructure are key to keeping applications running optimally and reducing unplanned downtime. Beyond using telemetry data to respond to abnormal events, historical data analysis can reveal more systemic issues. In this e-guide we look at trends in APM.


  • Webinar: Secure Networking at Scale in a Hyper-distributed IT Landscape

    As IT environments grow more distributed, organizations must be able to identify and remediate more and more security blind spots. In this webcast, three Solutions Engineers from Cisco – Chanii Haley, Shaun Northrup and Chris Shannon – offer guidance to help you boost your network-security stance. Watch now to access the complete insights.


  • Ultimate IoT implementation guide for businesses

    IT administrators and CIOs considering an internet of things (IoT) deployment must have a thorough understanding of what the IoT is, how it operates, its uses, requirements, tradeoffs and how to implement IoT devices and infrastructures. In this e-guide, learn the requirements and use best practices for a successful deployment.


  • Infographic: Comparing cloud application models

    The cloud is central to the deployment of most applications today. But, that doesn't mean all applications use the cloud in the same way. In fact, there are several types of cloud application models. In this infographic, we compare three of the most popular models: cloud-native, cloud-based and cloud-enabled.


  • How complacency kills mobile security

    In this expert guide, learn how a lackadaisical attitude towards mobile security can prove to be catastrophic to enterprises as mobile threats continue to exploit known vulnerabilities to gut profits.


  • How the application integration landscape is changing

    In this e-guide, we discover how the industry is trying to make it possible to link applications together in order to share resources with ease. We take a look at how technologies like Distributed Computing and the Common Object Model have been refined into web services, service-oriented architecture and composable applications and microservices.


  • Mobile security moving to a unified approach

    This e-guide offers expert insights into how the current trends in mobile security strategy are showing a move from mobile device management, to enterprise mobile management and unified endpoint management, which indicates a move towards a unified approach to mobile security.


  • Enterprise mobility management software offerings and use cases

    Enterprise mobility management software allows IT to deploy security policies and provide access to internal resources by integrating with APIs in the mobile OSes. This e-guide shows enterprise mobility management software offerings and use cases.


  • Computer Weekly – 27 November 2018: Software patching at scale – how to make it work

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at one of the oldest pain points for IT departments – software patching – and ask how to make it less complex across the enterprise. We examine the rise of Kubernetes, the open source container system. And we look at storage strategy to support a multicloud environment. Read the issue now.
