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Strengthening Web Application Security: Charting a Robust Strategy That Starts at Development.

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When security forces collide: Managing speed and vulnerability balance

With 62% of data breaches and 39% of incidents occurring at the web application layer, identifying and remediating these errors as quickly as possible should be a primary concern for any organization’s security team.

However, development teams have other priorities—namely, driving digital transformation forward by ensuring that code commits and product releases are completed on schedule… meaning that legacy automated systems are left to potentially miss false negatives.

Discover in this e-book what happens when speed and security forces collide, and find out what it means for organizations looking to update their security strategies.

These are also closely related to: "Strengthening Web Application Security: Charting a Robust Strategy That Starts at Development."

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  • App Sec Tools Need a Software Supply Chain Security Upgrade.

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