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The internet of things is all around us -- from the smart watch on your wrist measuring your heart rate, to the smart speaker playing music to smart traffic management systems that optimize streetlight patterns and alleviate congestion on roadways, to sensors on trash receptacles that report when they're nearly full to improve sanitation and the efficiency of garbage collection.

In buildings, smart devices and systems help conserve energy by adjusting the thermostat and turning off the lights in empty rooms. In healthcare, they monitor patients and equipment. In manufacturing plants and industrial IoT use cases, they track assets and monitor wear and tear on machines to predict when they will need repairs.

Despite these beneficial use cases, however, IoT increases the security risks businesses and consumers face. Any device that connects to the internet could be an entry point to the larger network -- and the sensitive information it contains. Such cyber attacks can be detrimental to a business or, in some cases, life-threatening or deadly.

Take this brief survey and learn 11 IoT security challenges and how to overcome them.

Jan 2, 2024
Jan 2, 2024

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