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A critical component of defending Active Directory (AD) and Azure from cyberattacks is to identify and secure the attack paths attackers could use to infiltrate your AD environment. And that should be no surprise considering more than 95 million AD user accounts are under attack every day. But how do you prioritize which attack paths to secure first? While most people who defend IT networks think in terms of lists — checking thousands of generic configuration issues — attackers often think in graphs in order to more quickly find a path to an organization’s control plane or Tier Zero assets.

Take this brief survey and learn how SpecterOps BloodHound Enterprise can help. With our AD Security Assessment using BloodHound Enterprise, we’re able to provide critical insight into the security of your hybrid AD environment, showing you a superset of your critical assets in AD and Azure (Azure AD and Azure Resource Manager) – the assets that would mean game over if a cyber attacker got control of them. With the Active Directory Security Assessment, you’ll visually see the potential paths an attacker could use to gain access to the crown jewels of your environment.

Aug 23, 2022
Aug 23, 2022

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