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Workplace surveys are one of the most common tools used to sense employee pulse and to learn what is important to employees. They are generally aimed to measure satisfaction levels, concerns and confidence at work. Often these surveys also include free text fields which allows room for comments and suggestions. These surveys, therefore, provide hidden insights on specific as well as broad issues that go unnoticed by management.

Surveys are probably the best tools available for getting a pulse of employee’s engagement and motivation but conducting a survey is only the first step towards greater engagement. The biggest failure of a survey happens when a survey is conducted before any action is taken for the last survey conducted. Hence, even before running a survey, create a plan to act on the results and implement changes that are visible to others. Some organizations even share the results and action taken from previous surveys as a show of transparency and trust to the employees.

Take this brief survey and learn why employee experience solutions like Xoxoday Empuls helps companies measure, analyse and improve the various factors that affect engagement, productivity, turnover and performance of employees and Build a people first culture with continuous employee feedback & continuous improvement with custom built surveys for employee lifecycle milestones like onboarding, exit, wellbeing, diversity & inclusion.

Nreach Online Services
Jul 13, 2022
Jul 13, 2022

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