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No matter how mature a cybersecurity program has evolved to be, there always remains room for improvement. Many organizations that have mastered the basics of cybersecurity can take their practices to the next level by making architectural improvements, adding more sophisticated detection or monitoring, and streamlining operations.

But even organizations with leading cyber risk management programs can struggle to make this jump to the next level. In order to overcome obstacles, many leading organizations turn to cybersecurity consultants to provide unbiased, expert advice and to augment their own staff expertise and resources in order to get over plateaus in the growth of their cybersecurity programs.

In this white paper, AT&T Cybersecurity Consulting details optimization areas, including:

  • Enhancing security architecture to improve how segmentation is structured or controls are designed
  • A zero-trust readiness assessment can identify recommended prerequisites, before attempting to build a zero-trust roadmap
  • Opportunities for optimizing SOC processes
  • Details transformative projects and programs often better augmented by trusted third-party security consultants

Learn more by downloading this paper today.

AT&T Cybersecurity
Apr 7, 2021
Apr 7, 2021
White Paper

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