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Procure-to-pay (P2P) is one of the most complex endto-end processes in an organization, spanning multiple departments and systems, and dealing with potentially huge amounts of income. Having visibility across the entire process – from vendor selection to payment – is critical for businesses to manage their cash flows, understand their financial situation and cut costs. The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting culture of working from home has placed enormous strain on P2P. As a process notoriously known for being paper-based, businesses are now having to rethink their procurement processes that involve many different departments and stakeholders on buyers’ and suppliers’ sides.

Take the survey, download this eguide, and read on about the current state of the P2P processes. Gain insight into why they might be the key to unlocking procurement efficiency. 

Esker Inc.
Aug 11, 2021
Mar 29, 2021

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