Free broadband for all, big data, taxes and the CW500 IT leaders club

In this episode Brian McKenna, Caroline Donnelly and Clare McDonald kick off by discussing the Labour Party’s pre-election pledge to offer free full-fibre broadband to the whole of the UK. Brian talks the rest of the team through his various conference visits, from the Open Data Institute (ODI) Summit where he spoke with ODI co-founder, Nigel Shadbolt, to Big Data London where he chatted with several users and suppliers of big data technologies. Caroline has more updates about the ongoing work she has been doing on IT contractor tax issues – this week she covers the government’s controversial loan charge policy, which forms part of a disguised remuneration by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). Clare talks about the most recent CW500 event, Computer Weekly’s quarterly networking event for IT leaders, which this time focused on IT security.