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It may feel like this is the era of software-defined everything and that there’s no place left for hardware, but that's an illusion. It only seems like network hardware is out because software is oh-so in.

In this software age, is there any role left for hardware? In our three-part guide, our experts’ response is a resounding, “yes.” Just because most things appear to be getting software-defined, that doesn't mean hardware should be placed on the metaphorical back burner.

Access this technical guide to learn why hardware is still an essential networking choice in terms of scale, reliability, and performance, by reading articles on:

  • Where hardware fits in today’s era of clouds and SDN
  • What’s changed, and what hasn’t, when it comes to switches
  • Key steps needed to effectively test your network at every stage
TechTarget Networking
Feb 8, 2021
May 16, 2016

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