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Capturing and capitalizing on vast amounts of data about customers and products can help a business adapt and even thrive. But implementing big data or IoT means creating or adjusting IT resources to handle the burden. With these emerging IT workload types, storage takes on a critically important role. But can a single storage system do the job? A business will need to determine the types of data its IoT and big data projects will collect. Gathering many tiny data files that arrive simultaneously, for instance, will not require the same type of storage that collecting fewer, larger files will. Object storage for big data and IoT may be the answer in certain situations. Other conditions might call for network file system, Fibre Channel or other types of resources. Making the right decisions when it comes to storage will be important factors in determining whether an IoT or big data initiative succeeds or fails.

TechTarget Data Center
Feb 8, 2021
May 9, 2016

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