Information Security ANZ Nov 2015
In this issue we look at the true cost of a data breach to an Australian organisation.
In its first unclassified threat report the Australian Cyber Security Centre notes that in 2014, CERT Australia, the national computer emergency response team, responded to 11,073 cyber security incidents.
The cost of breaches varies significantly but when the Ponemon Institute and IBM surveyed 350 global enterprises they found that on average the cost of an Australian data breach was A$2.82m
But what is the true cost? One Australian business describes when an infected zip file arrived ostensibly from a client was opened and rogue code worked alphabetically through the business’s files, locking each one as it went.
Also in this issue
Mobile phone users at risk as hackers bug and track victims
Is Australia's cybersecurity-focused government underestimating the insider threat?
Fraud rises but Australian businesses fail to heed data