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Networks are most vulnerable at their edges, which is why end point security is so important. Every time a new device is added to an existing network it has to be secured, otherwise it presents a new potential point of entry for hackers and malware.

Australia has unique challenges. Its privacy laws introduced in 2014, for example, are now some of the strictest in the world – and have yet to be thoroughly tested in court.

There is legal uncertainty still in Australia around things like corporate data downloaded onto a BYOD device: who does that data then belong to? Is it the company or the owner of the device? At the moment nobody knows for sure, and few Australian companies are willing to take the risk and be the first to find out in court.

Also in this issue:

-       Increasingly sophisticated cyber threats are driving APAC firms to move to secure content management solutions

-       Why we need cyber war games

-       Mobile threats evolved significantly in 2014

TechTarget Security
Feb 8, 2021
Mar 5, 2015

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