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Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is the source of nearly all authentication and authorization in most Windows environments, which means it's critical to keep up and running. While AD's features can protect against some failures, there are others it can't recover from on its own. So what do you do when that dreaded day of disaster arrives?

View this informative white paper to take a look at five potential AD disaster scenarios and learn how to prevent them or recover from them quickly with the right strategies and tools. Case studies covered include:

  • Losing a domain controller
  • Losing a user, a computer object, or a Group Policy
  • Losing your entire forest
  • And 2 more

Read now to ensure your AD is fully protected, and prepare yourself for the worst case scenario -- after all, your entire IT infrastructure depends on it.


Feb 8, 2021
Jan 9, 2013
White Paper

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