Why are people really doing virtual desktops today? A chat with Brian Madden & Steve O'Donnell

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Desktop virtualization has come a long way since the concept was first introduced in the mid 2000s. While the original capabilities of VDI left a lot to be desired, companies are starting to move to VDI in a big way now. What's interesting though is that the reasons people are moving to VDI today are not the original reasons we all thought VDI would be used. For example, today's VDI implementations are NOT about saving money. They're about user agility, supporting new ways of working, and giving users the flexibility to run anywhere.  In this wide-ranging and free form conversation, independent industry expert Brian Madden and GreenBytes CEO Steve O'Donnell discuss how VDI is used today and where it's working well.

May 7, 2013
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