Computer Weekly – 26 March 2013: How to be a winner with business analytics
Computer Weekly – 26 March 2013: How to be a winner with business analytics
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we look at how IBM worked with England’s rugby team and studied Premier League football to find out how business analytics can improve the chances of winning at sport. We find out the issues to consider when negotiating cloud contracts. IT leaders at our CW500 Club hear about the five forces of business technology. And we examine how software-defined networking will automate network management. Read the issue now
IBM uses analytics to find the key to predicting sports match winners
Predicting the outcome of a contest with 100% certainty is incredibly challenging, but is it impossible? This is the question that IBM is looking to address with the launch of new predictive analytics software, developed in association with the Rugby Football Union (RFU), called TryTracker.
Cloud users seek to redress balance in negotiation terms
Many providers’ standard terms are not suitable to accommodate enterprise users’ requirements so cloud users have sought changes to make the terms more balanced and appropriate to their own circumstances.
Buyer’s guide to software-defined networking – part three: Management tools to create a workload-centric network
Creating a workload-centric infrastructure to serve the business requires the infrastructure to become standardised, self-service and pay-per-use, giving users rapid access to powerful and more flexible IT capabilities.
CW500 Club: Companies must embrace the five forces of business technology
Technology is moving so quickly that being a large company is no longer a guarantee of survival, IT leaders at CW500 Club heard. CIOs face an unprecedented opportunity to drive innovation in their organisations over the next year and there are huge challenges ahead as organisations face disruptive technologies that threaten to overturn traditional businesses models.
Universities must rethink their start-up strategies
Andy Hopper, entrepreneur and head of the Computer Laboratory at Cambridge University, believes UK universities need to rethink how they fund start-ups and release intellectual property.
Employees take ownership of IT as mutuals aim to boost productivity
The mutual agenda is gathering pace in the public sector, but can it change the way government does IT, both as a user and a provider?
Interview: IT supports growth at Schroders
Matthew Oakeley, global head of IT at asset management giant Schroders, tells us how a major IT overhaul has helped the firm cope with market volatility in the credit crunch.
Opinion: How to create business value from a growing pool of social intelligence
Social media allows access to huge amounts of data about markets, customers and competitors. The challenge is to turn this into intelligence, says Nathan Sage, a social intelligence expert at PA Consulting.
This week's Computer Weekly is sponsored by Cisco, CW Awards, EBCG and Gartner.