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Although business intelligence (BI) has historically been associated with the relational model and SQL as a query language, the explosion of big data has created cause for re-evaluation. With more data to manage, many organizations are finding that NoSQL databases are providing the flexibility and agility they need with their BI. In doing so, they are able to meet the demands of larger data management and the desire to review information in real time.

Find out how NoSQL databases can help your company meet the growing amounts of data in a manageable and usable fashion for BI. This paper gives an in-depth example at how MongoDB provides NoSQL benefits, as well as reviewing:

  • How big data is a big challenge for BI
  • Why document-oriented data is now preferable to relational databases and SQL paradigms
  • What is keeping most companies from adopting NoSQL
  • Two different user examples
  • And more.
MongoDB, Inc.
Feb 8, 2021
May 1, 2012
White Paper

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