Storage Virtualization – What to Know and What to Look For

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A non-virtualized storage environment is almost always going to be a sub-optimal storage environment. We can provision a virtual machine for a business in minutes, yet we still provision storage in days, weeks, or even months. We can instantly move a virtual machine onto another server and give it more CPU power than entire countries had ten years ago; but if the necessary data isn’t moved with it, it’s a useless exercise. These competing forces cannot continue—operationally or financially. Storage must become a virtualized complement to the server and network layers of a modern, flexible, effective, and efficient IT infrastructure.

This paper covers the real value of storage virtualization from both business and IT perspectives, and offers explanations of the varying storage virtualization approaches with advice on how to make a technology and vendor decision.

Hitachi Vantara
Feb 8, 2021
Aug 14, 2011
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