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Cloud computing simplifies enterprise application delivery with resource flexibility, investment-less OPEX models, and no need for specialized in-house support resources.

In the view of Zeus Kerravala, Senior Vice President at Yankee Group, "cloud computing has a very profound impact on the Wide Area Network. When we move to cloud computing, the WAN actually becomes in many ways the backplane of virtual, cloud-based data centers." 

The WAN’s traffic matrix becomes much more complicated with cloud computing: Internet and MPLS must jointly deliver applications to users, while performance and reliability remain absolute necessities for an efficient business. As the core of this application delivery infrastructure, the WAN must be viewed as a crucial business resource requiring full attention from IT managers. WAN usage must be understood. WAN performance must be controlled, optimized and continually aligned with business goals. WAN costs, including bandwidth and deployment of new applications, must be controlled.

Feb 8, 2021
Feb 9, 2011
White Paper

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