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As organizations continue to deploy applications supporting various types of information our need to store and manage data has grown at an increasing rate. Because storage systems have traditionally been difficult to reconfigure and storage hardware prices have been steadily declining, most organizations have responded to increased storage requirements by simply purchasing additional capacity. While this approach may have satisfied business needs in the short term, it has led to higher than necessary storage equipment purchases and an increasingly difficult environment to manage. Storage vendors have been trying to address the problems of low utilization rates and storage sprawl with the introduction of features such as thin and dynamic provisioning and storage virtualization.

This paper examines the business case a large insurance company recently put together to investigate the merits of implementing a storage virtualization solution based on IBM’s SAN Volume Controller (SVC) technology. Continue reading to learn how storage virtualization with IBM SVC can help lower overall total cost of ownership.

Feb 8, 2021
Nov 17, 2010
White Paper

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