Transitioning to LTE: Business and Technical Considerations

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LTE evolution is much more than a move to a new technology. This evolution encompasses a shift in the service provider’s business model to a more sustainable and profitable one.  The goal of this presentation transcript around LTE business consulting is to help you consider what needs to be done as you create and implement a highly adaptive business model with customer-focused strategic planning, service mapping, cost modeling and technical assessment services.  Through this transcript you will gain perspective on how business models must expand beyond the network to include a broad ecosystem of devices, applications and content partners which, together, help drive the successful transformation to LTE.

This presentation transcript will highlight the questions asked to Alcatel-Lucent LTE business consulting experts questions during their live chat. Questions covered include business and technical factors that must be considered in timing the deployment of LTE -  everything from risk factors, to business models, marketing analysis and competitive threats, OSS/BSS implications, spectrum utilization concerns and backhaul considerations.

Feb 8, 2021
Nov 30, 2010
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