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The typical email user sends 41 emails during a normal workday, or roughly 10,250 emails each year. That means than in an organization of 2,000 users, 20.5 million emails will be sent. Add to this the large and growing proportion of email users who also use instant messaging clients and wikis, post to blogs, use personal Webmail accounts for business purposes, check email from home, send files through FTP systems, take work home and on the road on USB thumbdrives, transport corporate data on mobile devices, and use collaboration tools of various types.

Now, consider that most of these communications and files are sent and transported without any sort of monitoring, encryption or oversight. The result is that organizations are deploying a growing array of tools and endpoints for employees to become more efficient. And, at the same time, they are creating a growing number of opportunities for information to leak out of an enterprise in unauthorized and potentially damaging ways.

Trend Micro, Inc.
Feb 8, 2021
Jul 15, 2010
White Paper

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