Designing Secure Multi-Tenancy into Virtualized Data Centers
Today’s traditional IT model suffers from resources located in different, unrelated silos—leading to low utilization, gross inefficiency, and an inability to respond quickly to changing business needs. Enterprise servers reside in one area of the data center while network switches and storage arrays are in another. In many cases, different business units own much of the same type of equipment, use it in the same way in the same data center row, yet require separate physical systems in order to separate their processes and data from other groups.
This separation often results in ineffectiveness as well as complicating the delivery of IT services and sacrificing alignment with business activity. This inefficient model could cause multiple IT problems for your enterprise.
Cisco, VMware, and NetApp have jointly designed a best in breed Secure Cloud Architecture and have validated this design in a lab environment. This document describes the design of - and the rationale behind - the Secure Cloud Architecture.