Presentation Transcript: Best Practices in Batch Tuning - Empowering IT Staff to Reduce CPU and Run-Time in the Enterprise
IT organizations are always looking at every possibility to cut costs, especially in difficult economic times. One option is to reduce the amount of required computing resources, by tuning existing processes. Typically, companies focus their efforts and deploy their performance staff, on online and system-wide aspects of the business, paying minimum or no attention to the impact and benefits of a tuned batch workload.
In this presentation transcript, we’ll explore the key factors that often limit the focus on batch tuning, and we’ll discuss the technology framework and methods that effectively assist performance and capacity staff as well as empower other key staff members like applications and production support, in the identification and resolution of batch tuning opportunities. We will discuss methods for identifying the major sources of batch inefficiencies that recover the greatest batch elapsed time, CPU and I/O savings quickly, and with minimum effort and impact to the IT organization. We willl also discuss how complex batch issues related to DFSORT, DFSMS, DB2 and other inefficiencies, can be discovered and have solutions presented.