Desktop Virtualization with Dell and Citrix: Solving the Desktop Lifecycle Management Challenge

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Dell and Citrix together provide an excellent end-to-end solution for remote, server-hosted desktop virtualization, called Dell Virtual Remote Desktop (VRD). Combining Dell's intelligent OptiPlex FX160 flexible computing client, OptiPlex 760 and 906 FLX systems and support services with Citrix's advanced XenDesktop desktop virtualization solutions, Dell VRD provides a desktop replacement that is better than a standard desktop in many ways by centralizing management, making IT resources more efficient, improving data security and control, reducing support times, improving staff mobility, and improving the end-user experience.

This white paper provides analysis and advice on how Dell Virtual Remote Desktop (VRD), a server-hosted desktop virtualization, can deliver substantial benefits, simplifying lifecycle management, and driving ongoing cost and productivity benefits.

DellEMC and Intel®
Feb 8, 2021
Jul 1, 2009
White Paper
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