Creating Sales Opportunities with Lead Scoring
Lead scoring is often touted as the new secret sauce that transforms marketing from art to science. Interestingly, recent research from CSO Insights finds that only 26.9 percent of 550 companies surveyed have implemented a formal lead scoring process.
A lead's score is not just a number but a definition of buying interest. The components of the score should be designed to help marketing pinpoint sales-ready leads by assessing levels of engagement related to their interest in your company's ability to solve urgent priorities.
By breaking down the complexity of lead scoring to a 5-stage process, you’ll have a framework that helps you structure the process with the creation of sales opportunities as the goal - right from the start.
This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you have just what you need to drive continuous lead engagement, satisfy the needs of your salespeople, and play a key role in the generation of revenues.