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Nexsan and FalconStor introduce an easy to implement, easy to use LAN-based data duplication product which delivers unmatched operational efficiency. The performance is incredible. The top model is over 750 MB/s backup performance - very flexible deduplication for fast backup and restore. The unique combination of deduplication and AutoMAID technology for increasing your storage density efficiency, power efficiency and CAPEX/OPEX efficiency, makes for a very significant reduction of power and cooling costs in the data center. Yet, it’s a very scalable architecture - very space-efficient. Comparing the amount of rack use for a given capacity for this solution to competitors, typically this solution requires half or less than half the space requirements. And it’s a very easy integration at the existing environments - with an immediate ROI story.

Read this presentation transcript to learn how you can:

  • Utilize high performance deduplication to improve backup performance and minimize the backup window
  • Reduce your storage requirements and footprint
  • Seamlessly integrate deduplication and MAID into existing environments
  • Reduce power and cooling costs
  • Leverage an easy to deploy, easy to use deduplication storage platform to improve operating efficiency
  • Maintain more data online for faster recovery
FalconStor Software
Feb 8, 2021
Sep 1, 2009
Presentation Transcript

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