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We are all aware of the effects globalization is having on the business landscape and the extremely competitive environment we now live in. It’s no surprise, then, that financial service firms are generally dissatisfied with their integration efforts. A recent commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Sterling Commerce shows that nearly two-thirds of those surveyed rate their integration capabilities as only somewhat or not at all effective in enabling IT to quickly respond to new business needs or regulatory requirements.

To maintain a competitive advantage, organizations in all industries need a fast, efficient way to integrate within and outside their enterprise to customers, partners and third-party providers. This should also take full advantage of their existing legacy systems as well as the latest technologies. Sterling Commerce solutions help organizations serve their customers more effectively and efficiently, to help lower costs and increase revenue potential. Such solutions include capabilities that can improve your business agility, efficiency and performance through secure and flexible integration, seamless automation, and the visibility and access to actionable information within your IT and business processes.

This white paper discusses the increased demand placed on financial services organizations to improve their straight-through processing (STP) levels across all business units.

Sterling Commerce, An IBM Company
Feb 8, 2021
Sep 1, 2009
White Paper

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