IBM solidDB Universal Cache: Accelerating a Database Near You

Whether your IT organization uses DB2, Informix, Oracle, or some other database, one thing is almost certain. You need to leverage your existing investments in databases, infrastructure, people, and skills, while accommodating rapidly growing data volumes and numbers of concurrent users to meet the performance and throughput demands of today's enterprise applications that require extreme speed.
IBM solidDB Universal Cache delivers extreme speed as the industry's first relational, in-memory caching software that accelerates a broad range of relational databases up to ten times.
Please join IBM, together with featured guest speaker Noel Yuhanna, Principal Analyst from Forrester Research, for this live webcast that will address the business impact of accessing and capturing performance-critical data assets at extreme speed, covering these key topics:
- Requirements and challenges of extreme throughput applications
- The role and benefits of in-memory database caching
- Industry use-cases for using in-memory cache
- solidDB Universal Cache product overview