The Green Data Center: Energy-efficient Computing in the 21st Century: Chapter 1, 2008 Update

Today's average data center is 12 to 15 years old, reaching end of life, and unable to meet today's power demands. Studies show that data center power requirements are increasing by 8% per year on average, and 20% per year in the largest centers. Indeed, creating an energy-efficient data center is paramount to curbing runaway power consumption and accommodating greater data center capacity.
This green data center e-book serves as an all-in-one guide to lead you through the process of creating an energy-efficient data center. You'll learn how to create a solid business case for a greener data center with in-depth coverage of these five areas:
- Power consumption trends in data centers
- Root causes of demand
- Why energy efficiency matters
- Ways to implement energy efficiency in data centers
- Metrics that measure “green” progress