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Migration from a legacy email environment to a new one can be a tedious, multi-step process that has made migrations a cumbersome task. In this paper you will learn about a new, easy-to-use administrator tool that streamlines the migration process into two steps: registering users and migrating them. This migration tool from Binary Tree reduces the time, effort and cost usually associated with such projects. It completes messaging projects in an orderly fashion with limited involvement of the administrative staff and virtually no disruption of service for end users.

Benefits include:

  • Administrators can customize which data types are to be migrated
  • Limits the network load during the process
  • Migrations do not require end users
  • Detailed logs and error reports
  • Data is preserved

Download Lotus Notes Migration Tools now.

Binary Tree
Feb 8, 2021
Apr 3, 2006
White Paper

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