Search Results for: VMware-ESXi

One System Changing the Hyper-Converged Game
As hyper-converged systems continue to grow in popularity, VMware has incorporated updates to their Virtual SAN storage to support adoption. Use this expert guide to explore vSAN 6.5's updates and features


Windows Server and Storage eBook, Ch 4 - When Virtualization Enters the Server Room
In this eBook chapter, you'll take a glance at server virtualization, learn about the value of snapshots in backup and recovery, discover the keys to virtual fault tolerance and VM migration, and explore additional resources from Dell.

Dell, Inc. and Intel®

Streamline VMware-to-Nutanix Migrations
In this white paper, find services that can jumpstart your migration efforts and help improve your IT operations post-migration, with 5 key migration areas highlighted to help you streamline your organization's journey.


Virtual Data Center E-Zine: Volume 39: Managing Virtualization Patches
Keeping all of your patches up-to-date is a tedious but necessary task in order to ensure a fully protected data center. This dedicated e-zine highlights tips and strategies for making patch management easier and less time-consuming.

TechTarget Data Center

E-Guide: Server Virtualization - Balancing CPU, Storage, and Networking Demands
In this expert E-Guide, brought to you by and Dell, you will discover how to balance the storage and networking demands of today's virtual environments.

Dell, Inc. and Intel®

E-Guide: Expert guide to vSphere: Tips and tricks you should know
VMware’s vSphere platform is one that has made a name for itself amongst IT pros because of its high performance features. Check out this expert resource to discover how to optimize your virtualization initiatives with the latest version of vSphere and access a checklist of key troubleshooting tips.


E-Guide: How to secure virtual environments: 3 things to keep in mind
In order for virtualization administrators to achieve their prime goal, securing their virtual environment, they must carefully plan and execute an effective strategy. Access this expert e-guide to learn three crucial considerations for virtualization security and discover how to avoid common security issues.

Symantec Corporation

Virtual Data Center E-Zine - Volume 9
In this month's issue of Virtual Data Center, learn how to reduce the number of physical servers even more by focusing on the process of virtual machine placement on host servers.

Virtual Data Center E-Zine - Volume 9

Why Nutanix Hyperconverged Infrastructure and VMware Run Great Together
Download this e-book to learn how customers jointly leverage Nutanix and VMware to benefit from higher performance and availability, easy scalability, faster time-to-value, and unmatched cost-effectiveness.


Simplifying Disaster Recovery for Complex Virtual Environments
Many organizations struggle to deal with the management challenges of complex IT environments, not only on backup performance and the achievement of Recovery Time Objectives in disaster recovery, but also on productivity, performance and profitability.
