Dissaggregation Demystified

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Disaggregation has become more important to IT in recent years. Disaggregation lets you stand up and break down infrastructures almost instantly while better serving the needs of individual applications. Meanwhile, resource utilization soars, and resource pool management costs decline. Delve into the world of disaggregation and find out how vendors are applying the concept to their products.

Hybrid cloud can let you run, manage and move primary storage workloads between the cloud and on-premises data center and can improve IT agility and cut costs. Today, a number of products fulfill the promise of the hybrid cloud like never before.

Pundits have predicted the demise of the hard disk for years. Not only is solid-state much faster, the price differential between the two technologies is disappearing. The question shouldn’t be when hard disks will disappear, but how to best use flash.

TechTarget Storage
Feb 8, 2021
Aug 3, 2017
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