November ezine: An issue covering the latest techniques in selling security and what to pitch in Q4

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In the wake of the TalkTalk hacking scandal it would be all too easy for the channel to use it to sell security, but that would be a mistake as customers want to hear more positive thoughts.

Don't sell on fear

Selling security on the basis of fear has always been the easy option for the channel and it still persists but Billy MacInnes discovers there is more mileage to be found in talking about business needs

Give them what they want

With just a few weeks trading left in 2015 Amro Gebreel discovers just which products and services vendors think the channel should be pitching for customer attention in what is left of the fourth quarter.

Currency challenges

Throughout this year the problems coping with currency fluctuations has had an impact on the price of IT and there is some advice in this month's issue for those in the channel trying to avoid the worst of the ups and downs.

Feb 8, 2021
Nov 11, 2015
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