Monitoring and Management for the Next-Generation Network

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Network technologies and architectures are rapidly changing due to a wide range of innovations from software-defined networking to gigabit wireless. It can be difficult for IT managers to know when to invest. The first step is to investigate the technology to determine if it will improve business processes and whether current network technology can easily be migrated. Network managers will also need to determine whether there are associated management tools and whether their engineers have the skills to handle the new technology.

In this issue of The Network Evolution, we address some of these issues with an in-depth look at network monitoring and management for the next-generation network. We also explore the emergence of 802.11ad gigabit wireless and how it could improve BYOD connectivity. Finally, we hear from CIOs on what it will take for them to invest in SDN.

TechTarget Networking
Feb 8, 2021
Aug 6, 2013
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