The Demise in Effectiveness of Signature and Heuristic Based Antivirus

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Today there is an urgent emphasis being placed by vendors on the need for antivirus to be installed on an increasing number of computing platforms used within organisations.


The aim of this is to satisfy risk controls while also forming part of an organisation’s technical information security strategy.


This market demand for antivirus has led to a number of security products which do little to actually protect the user, their data or the organisation.


This paper outlines why, in our opinion, the antivirus based approach adopted by organisations to technical risk management, not only fails to provide the protection it is designed to, but it in fact increases an organisation’s susceptibility to attack.


Overall our view is that signature based antivirus is tackling a problem we had 20 years ago and is not relevant to many of today’s threats for businesses, although we feel it still has a role in protecting the consumer. As a result, NCC Group’s opinion is that security budgets might be more effectively directed


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NCC Group is a global information assurance specialist.

Feb 8, 2021
Feb 18, 2013
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