Process Complexity: How to reduce it with Decision Management

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When you look at business process management there are a lot of benefits that people often ascribe to. You can improve operational consistency. You can make it possible to do the same thing over and over again very repeatedly. As a result of that and because you’ve streamlined these processes you can improve customer experience. You can make it more pleasurable, more interesting and more straightforward for your customers to interact with you.

You can also reduce your costs. You can eliminate manual handoffs. You can reduce the number of manual steps and so drive down costs by managing those business processes. And you can increase your business agility.

When it comes to these benefits, the complexity of the process is your enemy. If you have an over-complex process it’s very hard to assure that its quality is good, that it’s the right process and that you’re following steps that make sense. It's also harder to change a complex process. You have to find the right steps. You have to identify the right changes and that’s more difficult the more complex your process gets.

Read this presentation transcript now as industry visionary James Taylor discusses business process management and the causes of all this complexity. Learn about decision management and its role in eliminating some of the complexity, decision management systems, business rules, predictive analytics and finally, how all of this impacts your customers and the overall customer experience.

Feb 8, 2021
Mar 7, 2012
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