Seven IT Strategies to Help Survive the Downturn

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The U.S economy is slowing and, whether it turns into a deep recession or continues to be a mild downturn, the predictions of tougher times ahead have CIOs and company executives developing a wide range of contingency plans to survive the slowdown. With the size of today's IT budgets, the CIO and the budgets they manage will come under pressure to drive more business value, reduce costs and contribute to bottom line savings.


The challenge for the CIO is how to get more done with less, while not sacrificing quality or longer-term strategic IT initiatives that are critical for future success. It's not an easy task to reduce IT costs, but as experienced in 2001 during the last downturn, there are ways to focus on the" low-hanging fruit" that can provide immediate results. There are seven IT strategies worth taking a closer look at that can make a difference and have an impact.

CompuCom Systems, Inc.
Feb 8, 2021
Apr 1, 2008
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