Search Results for: Health IT

Autonomous Governance for Healthcare - An IDC Research Readout
A recent IDC study* found that by 2023, 70% of healthcare organizations' attempts to scale value-based care models will fail unless they invest in data-driven governance, operations, and organizational infrastructure.

Red Hat

Helping Healthcare Organizations Be Resilient to Disasters & Ransomware
Disasters, whether human-made or natural are unavoidable, so planning for them is critical to ensuring delivery of care and services, regardless of the situation. Most organizations are more aware of and planning for high-profile data breaches and ransomware but many are not prepared for the most common types of disasters and human errors.

AWS Healthcare

Selling effectively in healthcare by using the right data
In the current economic environment it's become vitally important for organizations selling into healthcare to focus on the key sales and marketing activities that will drive results. In order to do that you need to know you're working with the best healthcare commercial intelligence possible.

Definitive Healthcare

Building a patient-centric healthcare contact center
The vast majority of provider call centers are built on legacy technology that's not built to unify data from voice, digital, and in-person interactions, offer channel choice, or empower self-service options that do more than frustrate.This whitepaper explores a better way.


The patient experience (PX) revolution in healthcare
Influenced by their consumer interactions, patients now expect easy, seamless, and personalized healthcare experiences.Gain insights from our major global research survey that show how healthcare providers are rethinking and repositioning contact centers in support of a reimagined PX.


Registration Done Right: Creating an Ideal Patient Access Workflow for Your Organization
Much of this exorbitant spending can be blamed on the fragmented, disjointed processes and systems that healthcare staff use to create claims. Manual patient registration tasks are time-consuming, repetitive and vulnerable to human error, which results in expensive claims denials.

Inovalon, Inc.

Former healthcare CIO talks cybersecurity in healthcare
Gary Seay, former vice president and CIO of Community Health Systems, was one of the earliest victims of a healthcare data breach back in 2014. In this e-guide, Seay shares what he believes every healthcare organization should do to ward off cyberattacks and shares specific technologies involved in maintaining cybersecurity for healthcare.


How generative AI and RPA are transforming claims appeals
Managing clinical claims appeals has traditionally been a costly, convoluted part of the healthcare revenue cycle. Introducing AI into the process can improve the efficiency and accuracy of claims appeals. Learn how AI can elevate your revenue cycle ecosystem.


2024 Survey Of Hospital Nurse Leaders: Roles, Challenges, And Workforce Solutions (Flipbook)
Nurse leaders today are at the heart of healthcare delivery while also having an impact beyond the bedside. The 2024 Survey of Nurse Leaders was commissioned to highlight the challenges nurse leaders face and the methods they are applying to address these challenges. View this interactive flipbook to explore the findings.

AMN Healthcare

Get a Grip on Mobile Health Data
The integration of health data systems with mobile devices is one of the biggest challenges facing IT professionals. In this expert guide, learn more about FDA non-regulation of mobile health apps, how to enhance patient care with mobile technologies, and how to engage patients as mandated in stage 2 meaningful use.

TechTarget Health IT